Radiotherapy for treatment of keloids
To the nearly 18 million people affected by the problem of scarring, the possibility of removing these unsightly, claw like growths may seem unrealistic. In fact, the majority - nearly seven million people affected - do not even know that it is possible to remove keloids, and are stuck with the belief that they have to live with this embarrassing condition. Therefore, keloids are not only scars on the skin - they are also scars on self-esteem.
Keloids are actually chronic, benign neoplastic lesions that form on the skin surface where the injury occurred. Keloids often develop in patients following cardiac, orthopaedic, obstetric, gynaecological or plastic surgery procedures. Acne and chicken pox scars, ear piercing places, burns and other skin injuries are also factors that promote development of keloids. Although many people believe that keloids are simply something to accept, Superficial Radiation Therapy of keloids is a highly effective treatment for scar removal, with a success rate of over 94 percent. This is particularly good news for the nearly 18 million people who are particularly susceptible to keloid formation because of their ethnicity - African Americans, Latinos and Asians, for example.
In the past, removal of keloids often required several surgical procedures. Unfortunately, keloids usually grew again at the site of new incision. With surgical removal of keloids, these benign lesions returned in more than 90 percent of cases. If surface radiotherapy is performed after surgical removal of keloids, the recurrence rate drops significantly to just 10 percent - and in many cases, there is no recurrence at all.
SRT-100™ delivers an accurate, precisely determined dose of Superficial Radiation Therapy for keloids that only penetrates deep into the skin. The low dose of superficial radiation therapy safely destroys keloid forming cells - ensuring that the treatment process leaves the skin smooth at the incision site. The treatment, which is performed at the surgery, is non-invasive and painless. Patients are usually given a series of treatments, depending on scar location.
Treatment schedule
Day I (Monday) - surgical removal of the keloid under local anesthesia, or - in some cases - under general anesthesia
Day II, III and IV (Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday) - 3-day cycle of radiotherapy for keloids. Duration of one exposure session is app. 1 minute.
SRT-100™ has received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the treatment of keloids caused by surgery or trauma. Whether you're a patient or a doctor, it's worth finding out why this unparalleled efficacy and treatment for keloids has earned its name as the "Cure for Keloirs". SRT-100™ brings new hope and a new sense of confidence to countless people suffering from keloids.
Why is it worth it?
possibility of permanent surgical removal of the keloid with an effectiveness rate of 94-96% the treatment cycle lasts 4 days - this is appreciated by patients who have undergone months of treatment involving multiple steroid injections into keloids the treatment is painless and safe as evidenced by the approval of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
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