The multiplicity of treatments for reduction of fat tissue offered at Ambroziak Clinic ensures that any female or male patient will find, together with a doctor, a specialist method suitable for themselves, their expectations and silhouette type. We offer various treatments for reduction of fat tissue, which take advantage of, different technologies and approaches to eventually achieve the same result - significant reduction of the number of fat cells. Our specialists perform liposuction surgeries, laser reduction of fat tissue and other treatments for over 20 years now. Their professionalism, continuous willingness to learn about new possibilities, combined with the state of the art systems available at the clinic, guarantee the success and a beautiful silhouette for all female and male patients.
Excess fat tissue
The multiplicity of treatments for reduction of fat tissue offered at Ambroziak Clinic ensures that any female or male patient will find, together with a doctor, a specialist method suitable for themselves, their expectations and silhouette type. We offer various treatments for reduction of fat tissue, which take advantage of, different technologies and approaches to everyone.
Recommended treatments
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Justyna włodarczyk - Radiotherapy Technician
A beautiful silhouette requires many sacrifices. Intensive exercise, diet. Unfortunately, not everyone can benefit from traditional methods used in the ...

Technology of concentrated ultrasounds in the reduction of body fat and cellulite
Technology has been created to combat localised excess fatty tissue and most stubborn cellulite.

N.I.L. liposuction
Ambroziak Clinic offers state of the art equipment for breaking up fat tissue using infrasonic vibration.

Laser liposuction
Laser liposuction is a state of the art laser system used for constriction and firming of skin in many body ...

Małgorzata Filipek - Coordinator of Klinika Ambroziak,VIP Customer Carer, Social Media Specialist
Mesotherapy - Injection Lipolysis
Double chin, chubby cheeks or sagging knees - these problems may be the result of local excess of fat tissue ...

HD Liposuction Body Shaping
Despite physical exercises and restrictive diets, there are areas of the body where burning fat tissue is sometimes impossible. Then, ...

Małgorzata Filipek - Coordinator of Klinika Ambroziak, VIP Customer Carer, Social Media Specialist
Shockwave therapy
Shockwave is one of the most modern Hi-Tech medical devices emitting acoustic waves. The device is used both for physiotherapeutic ...